Kit Mead UK Film Premiere

Kit Mead Sura Medura Residency UK Film Premiere 16th April 2013

Artist Kit Mead was UZ Arts’ artist in residence at Sri Lankan art residency centre, Sura Medura, Hikkaduwa in January and February 2013.

Sura Medura is an international artist residency centre in Hikkaduwa, South West Sri Lanka, maintained by UZ Arts. It was established in 2011 and offers opportunities for all artists from all disciplines to create work that is enhanced by being developed in Sri Lanka.

Kit was working at Sura Medura from the middle of January to the end February 2013, developing his project rediscovering the film location and set of the 1957 film, “The Bridge over the River Kwai”. Read about all his adventures in theSura Medura website blog.

The UK premiere of his resultant work “The Other Kwai”, will be held in the Briggait, Glasgow on Tuesday 16th April 2013.

You are all cordially invited to the opening.

The Sura Medura residencies are funded by Creative Scotland and the IN SITU Network.