2013 • Flags and Home
In 2013, to launch the John Muir Festival and the Helix in Falkirk, I commissioned a wide range of artists (see Creative Producer) and made two pieces of my own work to honour John Muir. The flag work was a 30m x 5m image of the Californian Sierra Nevada, fabricated by Lucy Birbeck, that referenced Muir’s relationship with the mountains and brought the image of them back to Scotland, his birth place. The flags flew on the Helix in 2013 and at the Kelburn Garden Party, Largs in 2018.

John Muir Festival
fabrication: Lucy Birbeck
“Going to the mountains is going home”
~ John Muir
In response to the above quote, I created Home, a text piece created with a font based on Muir’s writing. To mark the end of the festival the 9m x 2m work, fabricated by Duncan Turner of Carbon Lighting, was floated out into Loch Lomond on a raft, towards the mountains framed by pyrotechnics designed and fired by And Now.

Neon Textwork
fabrication: Carbon Lighting