2009 • Sous La Plage
When I was commissioned by the Highlands and Islands Festival to research the possibility of The Coming (see Performance) being developed across Scotland, I met with Gavin and Kay Lockhart at their home in Lamigo Bay on the north coast of Scotland. From that meeting came a long association and friendship with Gavin, making work for festivals and events in Glasgow and Falkirk and during a residency in Sri Lanka.
In 2009, we collaborated on an exhibition for the Merchant City Festival with work including one piece, Sous la Plage, made at Lamigo, that references the International Situationists slogan, Sous les pavés, la place! Together we made this line out into the bay and buried a message on slate that was filmed and placed within an installation under cascading sand.

image: Gavin Lockhart

Sand, steel, glass and video
image: Neil Butler
Neil Butler making Sous la Plage with Gavin Lockhart.